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Feminist-Alpha Male conflict: The battle for an "equal" society.

Today's society is apparently the most progressive in human history in terms of people tolerating in each other regardless of any differences that might have caused hostility in the past, from racial differences to gender inequality, or at least people are under the impression that society has apparently become better than it was. Either way, the crux of the matter is that while some women celebrate their so-called liberation, there are men out there who seek to reaffirm their dominance in society by expressing just how superior they are. The men go under the guise of "Alpha males".

This article is a response to the growing conflicts on microblogging sites like Twitter about what really defines a man, the nature of women and how society could perhaps strike a balance and become even more tolerant because at the moment we have a situation where some men feel like manhood is losing relevance in today's society, these are the men who preach that the alpha male is the ideal male and what every male should strive for then there are women who disagree and preach equality while they are stereotypical against some men because of their personalities and physical characteristics. The worst group of women being the one disregarding the value of men in society.

Wow, so much for "gender equality."

In any society, there exists an order which binds everyone and it might not be a perfect order but that doesn't change the fact that it is designed to maintain some form of stability until there comes a time, usually series of events when the order is questioned and new ideas emerge on what really is the ideal society. When an idea seems attractive people then claim that it's progress and ride on it blindly, one example is the idea of human rights and democracy which was embraced after the traumatic experience of Hitler's fascism. No one wanted a dictatorial system ever again and up to this day, dictatorships are ridiculed even though close critical analysis proves that every democratic leader is a dictator to a larger degree. The irony is that at some point people didn't like the idea of a democracy, they believed that authority should be centralized. Anyway, this relates to today's topic in the sense that many women have been sold the idea that the social order has never been in their favor, which to some degree is true, and now they've reached a certain point where they must retaliate instead of reconciling, yes "All men are trash". Such irrationality is even endorsed by politicians and major corporations who only seek to make profits out of this new wave of "equality".

Amid this crisis, we do have men who believe that they are champions of manhood and feel that all men should subscribe to the Alpha code of assertiveness, dominance regardless of emotional reaction by women who want to assume superiority. The Alpha captains, Redpilled men, seem to think that they understand human nature and Rollo Tomassi goes to great lengths justifying the Redpill cause in a world where emotions have taken over logic. Tomassi says "True Red Pill isn’t misogynistic. We love women enough to tell men the truth about them so they don’t hate them for what they can never be to men." The Redpill concept is derived from "The Matrix" trilogy and it represents awakening to the reality beyond what is sold by the mainstream. It is good that some men stand up and present a critical case about men being a naturally dominant species and how women are naturally attracted to such men instead of the passive feminine males that radical feminists try to promote. Those feminine males are boring and they don't satisfy the natural feminine desire for mystery and danger regardless of the Utopia that feminists sell, a Utopia based on emotions and not logic.

This feminist brutality on masculinity is mostly championed by men and women who have had bad experiences with male figures and now seek to settle the score by tarnishing manhood and that is wrong on so many levels and leads to other men then retaliating by presenting a flawed generalization of women wanting them to match certain categories, anything outside those categories is decadent and immoral. Such sentiments mostly come from men who have been traumatized by women and fail, because of their ego, to acknowledge that there's so much they still have to learn.

They subconsciously become defensive and start preaching the gospel of male superiority and claim that they have had their awakening regarding women when in actual fact it's the anger from their past. It's never really about being enlightened when it comes to women because one can never fully know what it's like to be something else unless they are fully embodied in it.

These guys appear to be defending the crucial role of masculinity in society when in actual fact they are imposing chauvinistic values that are toxic to society. These misogynists are as ignorant as radical feminists because they also subject women to an inferiority complex, assuming that men are supposed to be the figureheads in every situation. Such men should read about the great Queens of Africa like the Egyptian Cleopatra before they assume that women must only be subject to a male figure.

The other problem is the way porn has been normalized in today's society. Men never seek to understand women on a deeper level but instead focus on their physical attraction. It's natural to be drawn to a woman because of her physical beauty, that is the first step in getting close to her but after that, a man has to study the type of woman he's dealing with. This can never be an easy task but it's a challenge every man has to put up with if he hopes to have a fulfilling experience with that particular woman. A few men still have the patience to do that, the majority have been subjected to porn and go into a relationship with the agenda of satisfying sexual desires so they develop possessiveness assuming that the woman is nothing more than their property.

Women are unpredictable and when the reality catches up, the men become disappointed because they spent the relationship focusing so much on what they wanted out of the woman instead of being the ideal man for the woman and striking a balance. These men are then disappointed and they move on to another woman, again committing the same mistakes and never picking up any lessons. After some time they develop a bias against all women and then comes the narrative "these women are all the same, they are complicated". Men can start by appreciating the value that every woman holds way beyond her body and develop their self-esteem to increase their appeal instead of being bullies. There's a difference between dominating a woman and bullying a woman.

Going back to the women who want to impose this utopian idea of men and women being equal. Men and women can never be equal, they can only be compatible with each other and appreciate each other's differences. This nonsense of trying to feminize boys has to stop because it causes more conflict. If these feminists want to achieve an equal world for everyone then they should also do research on what defines manhood instead of treating men like they are sub-human and collectively defining them as savages, that won't work. Some men end up feeling guilty for having a penis because mainstream media and radical feminism associates manhood with aggression and that's a logical fallacy. The reality is that there can never be equality of outcome, not everyone is going to be the same but there can be a balance in the way men and women relate with each other. Women need empowerment and equal opportunities as men, not to replace men. Respect men, please.

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