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Racism might never end...maybe!!!

Racial discrimination stemmed from the concept of assuming that a particular race is more superior to another and we won't deny the white man all due credit for formulating this, unless I'm wrong, maybe black people are the ones who started subjecting themselves to inferiority. Oops, I'm bluffing. White people, white people, white people, they imposed this gruesome social construct. Excuse me if I'm sounding dramatic, it's just that "I can't breathe".

Throughout the ages, tribesmen have always engaged in conflict to pursue selfish interests of their own band like grabbing of land, abduction of laborers. It wasn't really about hate in the sense that the defeated tribe didn't resort to victimhood, they understood that each was looking out for its own. It was rational conflict and many other capitalist ventures like slavery and colonialism have been driven by such rationality, just check how much calculation was put in.

I'm not trying to present a refined image of the grandfathers of "racism" but it's important to understand that this is most probably a concept they imposed to pursue an agenda and did not necessarily believe in it. Look at how Cecil Rhodes for example, came to Africa and imposed English superiority, despising the Blackman until he achieved his desired goal of westernizing Southern Africa then went on to choose Matopos as his burial place, such an important place in terms of African Spirituality. This goes back to my argument of whether Rhodes was actually emotionally invested in the idea of black inferiority or he just had business interests.

Racism is simply an ignorant concept and there's a need for black people especially to treat it as such because it's clear that this had to be sold to the average white people and black people in order to serve a few individuals at the top of the food chain. Racism only works when the "victim" chooses to take every form of hostility as a personal attack, making that person subject to inferiority. This is why I believe that no amount of outcry will ever bring about true black empowerment because all this hostility against black people isn't about black people. Racism is a symptom of a bigger problem and that problem is capitalism as I'd like to believe.

This form of social engineering taking place isn't anything new, look at how people up to this day believe that Nelson Mandela triumphed over apartheid. Such a claim is inaccurate because economic power is still at the hands of the minority in South Africa and Mandela himself allowed this, Rhodes' legacy lives on. It wasn't about hatred, I doubt anyone with such a grand vision of conquest would allow himself to live with such emotional bondage. It was, still is and forever will be a capitalist ploy. When people have an emotional reaction they keep the system in place. The system imprisons black people who take racist attacks personally and white people who think they are superior, ever heard of "divide and conquer". People should abandon all these labels which serve to divide us and accept that we're one.

Up to today, black people are dependent on this very system that imprisons all of us. Look at all these black celebrities that are bound by Hollywood and white-owned corporations. Kanye West once said "Hip-hop and NBA are both a game and that's why there are players. It took Michael Jordan to retire before he became an owner." Kanye simply meant that there's a bigger capitalist system that all these celebs are subject to, regardless of the fact that they are meant to symbolize "Black Excellence". One guy who has maneuvered to be a true boss is Jay-Z and to some degree, Jay-Z understands that the only way out is to be rational with this never-ending system instead of expressing resentment and being subject to collective biases.

Jay-Z represents black independence, the same Jay-Z signed a partnership with the NFL even after the racist allegations by Colin Kaepernick. Jay-Z expressed sympathy for Colin and still got into the partnership. I'll leave the rest to that bit of rationality within you as an open reader. Oh, by the way, Colin signed an endorsement deal with Nike. Remember Nike? Nike, yes child labor Nike. Yeah, that same Nike.

So to those who're protesting in the streets, I hope you understand that you're trying the same method that Martin Luther King used. His movement gained popularity but he never lived to see his dream because he tried to treat symptoms instead of striking the root of this problem. We need a revolution, Malcolm X's model could have been more effective. With the current outrage, maybe a few arrests will be made, a bill passed into law so that you calm down then it all goes back to normal. It's simple as that, #Blacklivesmatter.

Oh wait, do black lives actually matter or American people are collectively feeling this sudden intimidation after seeing what happened to another black man who's subject to the same conditions as them? Is it only the lives of those who catch the media spectacle that matter because we have civilians in Syria, Somalia, Myanmar, the DRC, Cameroon, and North Korea that are brutally robbed of their lives daily but never make it to the twitter streets.

Due to so much information at our disposal, people are now caught up in this cognitive bias of assuming that they are "woke". Being woke doesn't necessarily mean you're aware of the truth, most of the time it means that you're in line with the popular perspective. Social media has made all those connected to feel like they are part of this global community and many of us want to hop on the latest trending topic and endorse it for validation so we aren't left out.

Yes, an impact will be made but this is not where our energy should be invested. Social media companies will make extra millions from this misdirected aggression. And my theory on capitalism still stands. Will racism end, well it depends on how critical we are. Critical about the institutions that shape our world view. NOT YET UHURU!

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