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The blunt truth about "Marijuana": Maybe Burn it, not ban it.

If you've at least been to school then you should have heard of Marijuana and how bad it is for your health and everything else fed down your throat or rather pushed through your nasal, whatever phrase you prefer. The truth is we have witnessed the implications of taking weed like getting high, which can actually be a relaxing experience more than it harms you. Of course, just like sex, people tend to have adopted the mischaracterization of weed by pop culture making it seem like it's cool to be addicted to weed. In as much as the experience of smoking is fulfilling, many young people fall victim to recreational smoking because it gives them that superiority complex and they "fit in" with the rest then when they realize that smoking wasn't good for them these individuals start blaming the plant when they were the problem in the first place. If you engage in something with limited awareness about it you'll regret it, please respect weed and I think the reason why many more people regret is that there the research on everything good about the plant has been systematically suppressed leading to people being against weed because that's what they have been taught and they believe it more than it being the truth. Several myths have been passed to justify government brutality on this plant but to this day they only amount to nothing more than fairy tales.

What's most surprising is the bias that comes with the enforcement of weed consumption because it seems like the leaf is being alienated when so many other substances have been allowed on the market, e.g Alcohol, nicotine, carbonated soft drinks, GMO and fast foods. This goes on to show that in this world nothing is ever about quality but how much money can be made from it. Huge sums of money have been poured in to present alcohol consumption as an ideal practice whilst 3 million people die from alcohol-related causes every year, the leaf, on the other hand, has never killed anyone. A major reason why marijuana is illegal seems to be because of the increasing influence, in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, of corporations, which are existentially required to increase both revenue and profits in a reliable, competitive, continual manner because their sole function is to grow in value so that their stockholders will own more valuable stock. The pharmaceutical drug industry — whose ten largest companies, all publicly owned, earned around $440 billion in revenue in 2014, when global revenue of legal drugs exceeded $1 trillion for the first time — would lose probably tens to, eventually, hundreds of billions of dollars annually if psychedelics became legal, because hundreds of millions of people could then cheaply and effectively and sustainably, instead of expensively, ineffectively, toxically, and fatally, relieve and/or treat depression, anxiety, addiction, pain, inflammation, insomnia, nausea, thanatophobia, epilepsy, cancer, asthma, dementia, arthritis, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, cluster headaches, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, Tourette, and other problems with cannabis, psilocybin, DMT, salvia, LSD, mescaline, and ibogaine, as users of psychedelics have known or suspected for millennia, aboriginals have known for tens to hundreds of millennia, and science has begun to confirm since the fifties in two main waves of research, the second beginning in 2006 at Johns Hopkins and New York University.

Some propaganda advertisement laying false claims about cigarettes. Around mid-20th century, the tobacco industry recruited medical experts to endorse their product before it was declared that tobacco causes cancer.

It's now clear that not smoking weed is a policy issue than it is about health and now we all know that policymakers operate according to whoever funds them. One notable thing about weed, or rather cannabis Sativa as it's supposed to be called, is that it has always been linked to elevating users to a higher conscious state and you can't really prove how conscious someone is because that's a personal experience but you can see it manifest in their actions. Most well-known promoters of cannabis like Bob Marley always spread a message of positivity and peace in the world, maybe it comes with the fact that when you smoke weed you become calm whilst on the other hand when you drink too much alcohol you start being loud and aggressive and the added bonus is the poisoning of course. Plants are also biological systems like us so they cannot produce truly alien compounds, even Queen Victoria was given it by her doctor to relieve period pain. The late leader former US president John F. Kennedy suffered from severe back pain and Addison's disease (a rare, chronic endocrine disorder). According to John F. Kennedy: A Biography (2006), he often relieved his symptoms with the help of some presidential pot and cannabis has been used as a medicine for thousands of years all over the world including India, China, and the Middle East. In China, it was used to treat conditions such as malaria, constipation, and rheumatism. Cannabis has been used in shamanic practices throughout the ages and if it was a toxic compound that triggers psychosis, is mutagenic or induces tumors, it will have been dropped long ago by human groups who experimented with these things.


Late Former US. President John F. Kennedy

Overall the point is it's about time we questioned some of the laws imposed on society, especially when there's inconsistency in preserving them. The same law banning the use of cannabis should cater to food companies that sell food with toxic ingredients like excess sugar and fat. Why is Coca-Cola and Philip Morris still operating if governments actually banned weed because it's best for us? And honestly speaking I don't think governments have a mandate to impose what's best for one's body, right now we're seeing the same outcry over Bill Gates' controversial vaccines which will be "mandatory", disregarding the effects that vaccines have had on many individuals. Yes, there are 2 sides to every story but today is 4/20 and we are telling the story of weed. Everyone should have a choice instead of stigmatizing the leaf and giving it nasty street names while alcohol is branded with fancy terms like Rum, Gin, le vin, Whiskey, etc.

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