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China steps in as Zimbabwe braces for Corona

Acting Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe Zhao Baogang confirmed that China is working closely with Zimbabwe to contain the Coronavirus which has drastically affected several countries around the globe. We have known the Chinese for their economic interests in Zimbabwe hence the consistency in maintaining their bond with the country Zimbabwe and now they’ve conveniently stepped in to help Zimbabwe fight the virus. Zimbabwe with its mediocre healthcare system could do well with such assistance, given that China has dealt with the virus very well. The government of Zimbabwe has expressed its will to prioritize this pandemic as the president recently banned mass gatherings, urged citizens to maintain high standards of hygiene, encouraged people to limit travel abroad and declared that schools be closed immediately. A few defiant churches continued service in Harare, I guess God is above the situation, but many citizens have complied especially the school children. It’s now evident that the virus is upon Zimbabweans and many are just living in hope as they have barely prepared for this pandemic which, over the past few weeks, seemed like a “punishment to western countries”. It’s here people, and the government seems to be making moves to ensure safety of the citizens. One wonders how average Zimbabweans will survive this pandemic given the current state of the economy. Many will not be able to stock up essentials to survive a lockdown which has been the only solution for countries, including our neighbor South Africa so, in as much as the government seeks to implement measures to improve healthcare deliverance, there should be measures in place for dealing with the economic implications of the pandemic. A pandemic which the government has known about for weeks now and hasn’t done much to prepare for it. Guess people will be on survival mode, about a year ago they pulled off a stay away, so quarantine won’t be that bad hey. Yes, panic buying has been kind of ridiculous in many affected countries but it’s better than not being able to stock up anything to take you through these crucial times. One should be blunt in stressing that the government hasn’t been brutal enough in tackling this virus as travel bans have not been effectively imposed on foreign nationals coming into the country. People are advised to self-quarantine for 14 days upon entering the country, but one wonders after they are found positive that means the government has allowed the virus to enter the country at a faster rate. A rate faster than the one at which they’re preparing for and containing the virus. But at least 2 souls were saved by our “open borders” policy as they managed to leave the country and were diagnosed outside the country. This was after they were found to be negative by health officials in Zimbabwe. There’s no need to panic though, panicking robs one of rationality in such times. People should follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization so that they can limit their exposure to harm. With many conspiracy theorists jumping onto this crisis to further impose their half-baked theories, be careful which content you consume because some “facts” can be exaggerated just to sell a story. Stay calm and prepare yourselves for this pandemic. Don’t subscribe to ignorance, “God” won’t save you. This is science at work and while some have claimed that this is a bible prophecy.

The prophecy didn’t state what solutions would have to be implemented in order to contain the pandemic so please listen to expert advice. Anyway, the government has claimed to be prepared like I have stated in this article so be prepared also. You never know the magnitude that it could reach in Zimbabwe.

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