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Coronavirus: YouTube tightens rules after David Icke 5G interview

YouTube and other social media platforms have vowed to tighten the grip on "false rumors" regarding the controversial 5G towers soon to be rolled out at full scale. Raising issues on possible ramifications of installing 5G seems not to be an issue, the problem comes when one becomes "politically incorrect" and talks of a link between 5G and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a theory that has been publicized even though mainstream science has rubbished the theory.

David Icke is arguably the most popular conspiracy theorist and has been on LondonReal about 3 times discussing world issues from the unconventional perspective, his main topic of interest being the idea of global enslavement of humanity which he claims is a grand plan which has been predesigned for decades and might be manifesting very soon. All along David Icke videos have been allowed on mainstream sites like YouTube even though David has complained several times that YouTube was messing with the views on his channel, opting to create his own independent platform ickonic. Even his 10 hour live sermons have been a success, this undoubtedly means that a lot of people are interested in his content as there are claims that some of the events he predicted came to life. Conspiracy theorists and prophets tend to be very popular especially in a society that lacks transparency like ours and people turn to these messengers as their main source of information due to the fact that it gives them another view of what society, an "enlightened view", even Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy has been trending all night on twitter because of the "enlightened message" he preached about 5G actually being the cause of all these deaths and a force of evil trying to target the church of Jesus Christ.

David Icke's recent live interview on the LondonReal YouTube, hosted by Brian Rose has forced YouTube to implement new terms regarding the content put on their video streaming platform.YouTube started off by reducing the frequency it recommended 5G and COVID-19 conspiracy videos in its Up Next section. Controversial remarks made by David Icke have been banned, meaning that content with such material will be automatically deleted, this rule being implemented when BBC inquired on why the video was permitted. LondonReal host Brian Rose was disappointed by this move made by YouTube and YouTube has further explained that any video not giving the WHO official narrative on COVID-19 is violating the platform's policies. It wasn't that much of a problem for Brian though who has an already established platform LondonReal with all his videos and other exclusive content so you can check out the video there.

Mainstream media and the WHO have concluded that the pandemic started off in Wuhan and has since spread across the world and there's no vaccine yet, Bill Gates is funding the research though and his name has also sparked controversy lately as David Icke accused him of having an agenda to enslave humanity by installing the digital I.Ds and wanting to reduce the human population. Bill Gates has talked of vaccinating people with quantum dots and throughout the years has talked about the need to curb population growth so who knows if he'll achieve this or not. He really seems to be concerned about the whole planet. It is important to understand that in his interview, Icke didn't mention that COVID-19 is caused by 5G wave emissions but stressed on how this COVID-19 is a cover-up of a bigger agenda which according to him is a technocracy where data is centralized at the hands of a few cooperates who'll then be able to manipulate the population as privacy will be non-existent. Then the One world government will be established and personal freedom completely lost. Icke stands firm in his belief that coronavirus doesn't exist as gently shook Brian Rose's hand at the end of the interview. In as much as David Icke's allegations are disturbing, one wonders why the video has to be taken down if it is a baseless conspiracy video. There have been concerns about the danger of 5G wave emissions even though mainstream science has said that the waves aren't a danger to the human body. Maybe mainstream media like the BBC has assumed the parental role of deciding what's best for public consumption with the impression that people can not openly decide which information is best for them because mainstream media has proven over the years to be unreliable. Many critical issues have been swept under the carpet because of censorship. It is very common during a crisis to use censorship as a method of easing panic but now we have to understand the context. We're in the information age and whether you try to discredit the other side of the story, people will still have access. The irony at the moment is that the LondonReal website has reported record-breaking traffic since YouTube deleted the interview. Why don't we have an open platform where mainstream media justifies their side of the story before the conspiracists then a conclusion is drawn. Again, back to the issue of lack of transparency in our society making renegades capitalize on this to increase their audience.

Maybe we are losing freedom as David Icke has predicted and this lockdown is simply conditioning us for the upcoming dystopian world. What is most striking is the censorship of information. No one said David Icke is entirely truthful but then what's now happening is the violation of freedom of speech which doesn't do anyone justice because the people remain in the dark. Do mainstream media houses like the BBC perhaps realize that they have a stained reputation and so have some content out of insecurity. This seems to be the same with governments who assume that people are not rational enough to take caution even during work instead they must stay at home and risk losing their jobs and this doesn't do the economy any good. Even at home, the police are monitoring the neighborhoods as if the people are not conscious enough to understand that the lockdown is for their own safety, at least according to the government.

These are interesting times we're witnessing, man I thought we were done with the "Dark Ages". Anyway, keep your eyes and ears open because you're on your own so it is your duty to make sure you remain strong, whether the virus is real or not doesn't mean there's a problem that must be dealt with. Look enough and you might find a solution. Keep safe.

Brian Rose, host and C.E.O of LondonReal

Cover image courtesy of LondonReal

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