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Some "Sanity" of the Healthcare system in Zimbabwe

After reports that government had fast-paced the rate of equipping health institutions in order to fight the pandemic, there's been optimism amongst many as the government is giving insurance to its citizens. While this might be good news, it seems like the concentration is in the capital city Harare which is seeing the revamping of at least 3 institutions while a city like Bulawayo which is the second biggest city in the country isn't getting much attention, making it a flight risk. Thorngrove Hospital is the official isolation centre in Bulawayo but it doesn't have the capacity to admit Covid-19 patients, I mean even Wilkins hospital was said to be ready before the Zororo tragedy so one can only wonder when Bulawayo will be ready for Covid-19. The other issue Zimbabwe has is that there's a centralization of governance so all investment goes to Harare before any other city hence the government decides the state of each city. This, over the years, has seen Bulawayo cripple economically making the population heavily dependent on the central government in Harare, that's, of course, the few who've remained while a significant number of the Bulawayo people have sought refuge in the diaspora. On a lighter note though, the Victoria Falls community has appealed for contributions to equip the old age home in Chinotimba which they have identified as a suitable isolation centre and the progress made is commendable. The problem is that the response team at the Chinotimba hospital in Vic Falls, which has 2 isolation wards, can only collect your nasal phalangeal swab then send it to Harare as there are no facilities available for local testing and it is likely that results will delay as air travel has been barred so now samples have to be driven all the way to Harare. If one tests positive, they are asked to self isolate under home-based care. Should one require hospitalization, they are then sent to a temporary ward in Chinotimba before proceeding to Bulawayo. The same ill-equipped Bulawayo isolation centre. At the moment it's not safe to declare that the government is prepared but initiatives are already in place and it is important to commend the Vic Falls businesses, notably tourism giant Shearwaters, and other individuals for their social responsibility Special mention to controversial businessman Kuda Tagwirei of Sakunda Holdings for the progress in Harare. Ecosure, a subsidiary of Econet Wireless which is owned by Strive Masiyiwa has also stepped into the effort by offering fringe benefits to healthcare personnel who'll avail themselves to be of service during this crisis. This being an expected gesture from Zimbabwe's billionaire who's a reputable philanthropist, so we say thank you for the good work and we hope the nation will be in a better position should this situation push the government to Lockdown the nation like how other countries have effected this safety measure. Be sure to utilize the president's state of the art mortuary, should you sadly lose your loved ones.

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