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There is a bright side after all

It’s no secret that the recent outbreak of the now infamous Covid 19 virus has been and continues to be a global tragedy with the death toll growing by the hundreds on a daily basis and the negative economic repercussions looming in the foreseeable future; however there is a very minuscule ray of light breaking through the dark cloud.

Multiple images have been circulating of desolate streets and moats of previously blossoming and buzzing famous cities both metropolitan and rural. This is the first time in centuries that many of these places that usually intersect closely with nature have had no human activity and the results have been picturesque bodies of water and unusually clean urban air amongst resurfacing groups of previously scarce wildlife.

Images courtesy of The Guardian

Multiple accounts of Dolphins, various aquatic life and birds seen in Venice after Italy has completely halted activity in the canals and city centres. Nature seems to have pushed a reset button and the waters of Italy and many other greeneries world over are being given a few weeks to breathe and respawn.

Nature isn’t the only entity that seems to be going back to basics. Multiple countries and governments have imposed much needed restrictions on day to day movements of citizens and the results have been phenomenal. Not only has it push started humanity’s recovery at a health level, it has also forced a social reset of sorts. Social media has erupted into a cataclysmic boiling pot of boredom fueled activity. A good portion of it has been the regular activity but a large percentage of it has been a surge of positive posts and encouragements from some beloved celebrities from all around the globe. Multiple fitness and recreational challenges are appearing and spreading smiles and awakening excitement that many would never have time for in their regular day to day toils and stresses.

Married at First Sight’s Jessica Power joins millions including Justin Bieber in the viral Instagram ‘push-up challenge’. One of many spirited attempts at spreading positivity.

Image courtesy of Daily Mail UK

If Coronavirus has done anything for people it is unifying even the most unlikely people. World leaders and their opposition have in most instances come together to combat the epidemic. Large corporations and MNC’s have collectively donated millions and the message from all of them is identical; no life is worth money. Countless wealthy individuals have pledged millions of dollars, from Fenty’s Rihanna to F.C Barcelona’s Lionel Messi each donating 7 figure amounts to help curb the spread and fatalities of the virus. We may be in the wake of an epidemic of epic proportions but we have found our long lost humanity. Care for the vulnerable has been unexpectedly contagious at all levels. The homeless community in Capetown, South Africa has been provided with sanitized shelters and food and globally people have taken massive strides in protection of the senior citizens who are more susceptible to the epidemic.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and top opposition party leader Julius Malema share rare moment during Coronavirus Briefing.

Years from now we will undoubtedly look back at the next couple of months as some of the darkest in the history of the technological era, but also some of the most unified.

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Zibusiso Masuku
Zibusiso Masuku
Mar 29, 2020

nice piece.

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