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COVID-19: Can we mask out the psychological effects

The ongoing pandemic caught the world by surprise, or rather can we say people are so ignorant that they never really prepare for the dark days as life is taken for granted by many of us. Whatever the case, we have a crisis that can't be avoided. Bill Gates did issue a warning in 2015 saying that the world was not ready for the next global catastrophe, a war against the tiniest of microbes instead of militaries out at each other's necks but I guess people took it as a far fetched conspiracy theory, including our world leaders who didn't do much preparation and now we have miscalculated measures put in place to try and halt the spread of COVID-19. At least the emergency of this situation is encouraging global cooperation, not because humans love each other but because they have a common enemy and those at the forefront of problem-solving will gain their reward in abundance through profits. Ford is set to build 50 000 ventilators in 100 days and this is a good cause in saving many more lives, but the same Ford built war tanks during World War 2. War tanks generated profits at the expense of human lives. So tell me if humans love each other when they've endorsed warfare and praised their armies for butchering millions all for "the greater good". Anyway, we're on survival mode, anything that'll conveniently take us through is accepted without question. No strings attached.

It's unfortunate though that the COVID-19 is leading to unpleasant incidents beyond death by the virus. Some people are dying because of a poor mental state like the German finance minister, Thomas Schafer, who was found dead near a railway track on Saturday and Premier Volker Bouffier concluded that he committed suicide due to "not coping" with the economic fallout from the coronavirus. It's sad that it has come to this but such acts are unnecessary if humanity is to come out of this tragedy better than before. Our grandfathers had to be conscripted to war, with no certainty of ever returning but they persisted because it was for a cause and they had a purpose in their lives. I don't mean to display insensitivity regarding the suicide I just mentioned but people need to be careful how they handle themselves through this crisis, especially with mainstream media whose views depend on how much a tragedy is glorified. The more they report on the number of positive cases and the deaths, the more people will keep tuning in, not because people love bad news but because subconsciously they wish their main source of news will have some good news but the good news would lower views as people become calmer and the fact that they're addicted to hearing about the tragedy. They're keeping tabs on an issue that damages their mental health, more like drugs.

Even within the confinement of your isolation, never feel lonely. Anxiety is an escape, not a solution

We can bring this closer to home and talk about how for example, churches actually thrive on more people being held in bondage than many more being liberated. With the amount of wrongdoing in this world, it is clear that people don't go to church because they understanding "God" or even love him but because they fear the devil. They also feel the need to appease God for the sins they commit daily. I'll never discourage anyone to stop going to church but there's a need to fully understand that you're only at church because you're subject to fear. If you don't go to church you'll be punished and your loving father will judge you and throw you in a fiery pit. That myth was drilled in people's minds at a tender age and as they grow up it then affects how they lead their lives so they keep going to church because they're addicted to that message of fear and they embrace the fact that they deserve to be in fear but fear or no fear, the consequences of one's actions will be the same. Again I'm not discrediting anyone's devotion to the church. Keep a stable mental state throughout this pandemic.

Cover image courtesy of Forbes Magazine

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